We just can’t get enough of your papers! That’s why we’re extending our Call for Papers until June 1st.
Our mission is to bring Quality under the spotlight with all its challenges and all the happiness it gives us, who deliver products and services and our users, whose lives we make better.
We’re looking forward to your inspiring stories about escaping comfort zones and going the extra mile to change the status quo so we don’t waste our time and energy but invest them in continuously learning and ensuring we’re doing the right things the right way.
Use THIS FORM and share your love for Quality! We’re in the pursuit of the Technology of Quality, and our topics are:
- Quality of Service
- Product Quality
- Process Quality
- Quality of Life
You’d have 45 minutes to make your point and 15 minutes to answer questions from the audience.
And here’s our special treat for everyone who joins us on our journey to revive Quality…
We only have 8 spots, but we have unlimited blog space, so keep submitting, and if your amazing proposal doesn’t make the cut, we’ll publish it on our blog and social networks.
We’ll contact everyone in July.